28 December 2010

Enum values can be characters too

Almost everyone who has programmed something in C# has created an enum at one point or another:

public enum Whatever
You can cast an enum value to an int - you then get a value assigned by the compiler based upon the order in the enum, so Zero will be 0, One will be 1, etc. If you have a particular sick mind you can add a new chapter to How to write unmaintainable code by creating something like
public enum Whatever
  One = 5,
  Two = 3,
  Three = 2
But you can also assign values to it using characters. This way, I have created an enumeration that can be used to retrieve tiles from Google servers based upon their enum value without the switch I wrote in my infamous "Google Maps for Windows Phone 7" article. So now you can define the server on which Google stores a particular tile type like this:
public enum GoogleType
  Street         ='m',
  Hybrid         ='y',
  Satellite      ='s',
  Physical       ='t',
  PhysicalHybrid ='p',
  StreetOverlay  ='h',
  WaterOverlay   ='r'
and then determine the server like this:
var server = string.Format("http://mt{0}.google.com", (char)GoogleType.Street);

This makes far cleaner code.

09 December 2010

WiX- A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML

And now for something completely different – a review of someone else’s examples. I have been reading “WiX- A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML“ by Nick Ramirez. I would not dare call myself a WiX expert – in fact I wrote one three-component setup in the cause of a few weeks, but I was asked to review this book by its publisher, Packt Publisher and well, here’s my verdict.

Examples examples examples

What I like about the book: it takes you by the hand using what I think is the most powerful tool in teaching: examples. Which is what I so painfully missed when I myself was struggling with WiX. Lots of concepts and half-*ssed postings on forums, but no complete examples. In the first chapter the author starts a small example which gets more and more elaborate. After reading that first chapter you have a good idea of the most important concepts of installing. The second chapter follows the same recipe and gives you more of the fine details on creating files and directories. If you have read the first two chapters, you can write a basic installer.

Pick and choose

The rest of the book is more of the pick-and-choose type. It still follows the same recipe, but whereas the first two chapters are mandatory, the rest is optional – use what you need, although I would recommend not skipping chapter 5, “Understanding the Installation Sequence”

What do I miss?

I was puzzled by the absence of  a description of the util:XmlFile task, which can be utilized for modifying config files during install. Apart from that, the sub titles says “Create a hassle-free installer for your Windows software using WiX”. That’s exactly what it delivers. I would very much have liked something on how you create and install web sites, handle the intricacies of creating applications pools, set the ASP.NET version, permissions, create CGI support settings and stuff like that – taking into account people can install on different operating systems and different versions of IIS. Maybe something for a second print? ;-)


First part learns you the basics pretty well, the rest is a solid reference. A book I should have bought and read before I started mucking around with WiX.

28 November 2010

Converter for showing/hiding Silverlight/WP7 GUI elements with boolean model values

Typically, when you are writing Silverlight or Windows Phone 7 applications using the MVVM pattern, your viewmodels expose boolean values indicating something is going on – for instance, your background thread is loading data and thus you want to display a progress bar. For some reason the designers of XAML choose the Visibility property of a GUI element to be of type “Visibility”, an enum with values “Visible” and “Collapsed”.

Anyway, you could of course make your viewmodel expose properties of type Visibility but as an architect I would call that “bad form”. It’s so much easier to create a simple converter for this:

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;

namespace LocalJoost.Converters
  public class VisibilityConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, 
                   CultureInfo culture)
      if (value != null && value is bool && parameter != null)
        var bValue = (bool) value;
        var visibility = (Visibility)Enum.Parse(
             typeof (Visibility), parameter.ToString(),true);
        if (bValue) return visibility;
        return visibility == 
           Visibility.Visible ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;
      return null;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,
                       CultureInfo culture)
      throw new NotImplementedException();

This convertor assumes a boolean input value and a parameter of type Visibility. If the input value is true, it returns the value in the parameter, if it is false, it returns the opposite. So it’s basically a converter that converts one type of boolean in another, with the possibility to specify what is true and what is false ;-)

Typical usage snippet:

Visibility="{Binding IsDownloading, Converter={StaticResource VisibilityConverter}, ConverterParameter=Visible}"

which says that if the “IsDownloading” property of the model is true, the GUI object in case must be visible. Since I actually used this snippet on a Windows Phone 7 ProgressBar, this makes perfect sense.

13 November 2010

WIX configurable search & replace custom action for text files

Recently I had my first encounter with actually writing setups myself using WIX. This is a powerful albeit a bit complex technology that allows you to build MSI setups using XML files. It includes all kinds of tasks to modify files after installation, and thus you can for instance change the settings in configuration files based upon user input. Unfortunately good examples are few and far between, and I hope to save some poor sod a lot of time with this article

Trouble is that the standard tasks only know how to modify XML files. Now this is usually enough, but if you want to change plain text files files then you are basically on your own. WIX supports the idea of custom actions that you can write in C#, So I set out to write such a search & replace custom action that was to be configured by a custom table.

That turned out less straightforward than I thought. Under Windows 7 and Vista, with UAC enabled, part of the installation sequence is run with elevated rights, part is not, and your custom actions are running not with elevated rights unless they are ‘deferred’ but then you don’t have access to the custom table anymore. I spent quite some time figuring out why my configuration files were virtualized by the installer but those in the program directory themselves never got changed. Finally solved that catch-22 by following what appeared to be a beaten track: split the task into two task. The first task runs immediate, reads the table, and dumps its contents in a file, the second runs deferred.

The actual code consist out of two methods and a property. The class declaration with the property looks like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;

namespace LocalJoost.Wix
  public class CustomActions
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the search and replace data file location. 
 /// This is stored in the user's temp directory
    /// and used by the installer.
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>The search and replace data file.</value>
    private static string SearchAndReplaceDataFile
       return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") + 
            Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + 

This defines a hard coded XML file in the installer user's temp directory. Then, the first method that actually gathers the information and writes it into said XML file:

/// <summary>
/// This method should be declared with Execute="immediate" 
/// and called with Before="InstallFinalize"
/// Use in conjunction with SearchAndReplaceExec
/// </summary>
/// <param name="session">The session.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ActionResult SearchAndReplaceInit(Session session)
  session.Log("Begin SearchAndReplaceInit");
  if (session.Database.Tables.Contains("SearchAndReplace"))
     var lstSearchAndReplace = new List<SearchAndReplaceData>();
     using (var propertyView = 
      session.Database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM `SearchAndReplace`"))
       foreach (var record in propertyView)
         var token = new SearchAndReplaceData
           File = session.Format(record["File"].ToString()),
           Search = session.Format(record["Search"].ToString()),
           Replace = session.Format(record["Replace"].ToString())
     var serializer = new TypedXmlSerializer<List<SearchAndReplaceData>>();
     serializer.Serialize(SearchAndReplaceDataFile, lstSearchAndReplace);
    session.Log("No SearchAndReplace custom table found");
  session.Log("End SearchAndReplaceInit");
  return ActionResult.Success;
and finally the method that reads the XML file and actually executes the search and replace actions
/// <summary>
/// This method should be decleared with Execute="deferred" 
/// and called with Before="InstallFinalize"
/// Use in conjunction with SearchAndReplaceInit
/// </summary>
/// <param name="session">The session.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ActionResult SearchAndReplaceExec(Session session)
  session.Log("Begin SearchAndReplaceExec");
  if (File.Exists(SearchAndReplaceDataFile))
    var serializer = new TypedXmlSerializer<List<SearchAndReplaceData>>();
    var tokens = serializer.Deserialize(SearchAndReplaceDataFile);
    tokens.ForEach(token =>
        string fileContents;
        var file = new FileInfo(token.File);
          if (file.Exists)
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(file.OpenRead()))
              fileContents = reader.ReadToEnd();
            fileContents = fileContents.Replace(token.Search, token.Replace);
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(file.OpenWrite()))
      catch (Exception)
        session.Log("Could not process file " + token.File);
  session.Log("End SearchAndReplaceExec");
  return ActionResult.Success;
Attentive readers will have noticed this code actually uses two companion classes: SearchAndReplaceData:
namespace LocalJoost.Wix
  public class SearchAndReplaceData
    public string File { get; set; }
    public string Search { get; set; }
    public string Replace { get; set; }
and TypedXmlSerializer:
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace LocalJoost.Wix
  public class TypedXmlSerializer<T> 
    public void Serialize(string path, T toSerialize)
      var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
      using (var fileStream = 
      new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
        serializer.Serialize(fileStream, toSerialize);

    public T Deserialize(string path)
      var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
      T persistedObject;
      using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
        persistedObject = (T)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
      return persistedObject;
If you got this all up and running, actually using it means taking three steps. First you have to declare them in right into the top Product tag like this:
<CustomAction Id="SearchAndReplaceInit"

<CustomAction Id="SearchAndReplaceExec"
    Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no"/>
<Binary Id="LJWix" SourceFile="LocalJoost.Wix.CA.dll" />
This assumes that your WIX custom actions projects was called "LocalJoost.Wix" and your resulting dll is called “LocalJoost.Wix.CA.dll”. Here you see the use of "immediate" for the information gathering task and the "deferred" for the actual executing task. The second step is embedding the custom actions into the install execution sequence:
  <Custom Action="SearchAndReplaceInit" Before="InstallFinalize"/>

  <Custom Action="SearchAndReplaceExec" Before="InstallFinalize"/>
If you have looked closely at the SearchAndReplaceInit task, you see it's trying to read a custom SearchAndReplace table, so the third and final step is to define and actually fill that table:
<CustomTable Id="SearchAndReplace">
  <Column Id="Id" Type="string" Category="Identifier" PrimaryKey="yes"/>
  <Column Id="File" Type="string"/>
  <Column Id="Search" Type="string"/>
  <Column Id="Replace" Type="string"/>
    <Data Column="Id">id1</Data>
    <Data Column="File" >[INSTALLLOCATION]Somedirectory\Somefile.txt</Data>
    <Data Column="Search">Text to search for</Data>
    <Data Column="Replace">Text to replace this by</Data>
    <Data Column="Id">id2</Data>
    <Data Column="File" >[INSTALLLOCATION]Somedirectory\Someotherfile.txt</Data>
    <Data Column="Search">Some other text to search for</Data>
    <Data Column="Replace">Some other text to replace this by</Data>

Custom tables are also declared in the Product tag. The Id tag in the table is there because there seems to be an Id necessary, and the rest in pretty obvious: in the File tag you put the file you want to process, in Search what you want to search for, and in Replace what you want to replace it by. Duh :-) . And that’s pretty much what it there to it.

Now I would love to take credit for this, but the ideas behind it – not to mention significant parts of the code – were supplied by Kevin Darty who kindly assisted me by using his Twitter account when I was struggling with this. In the end I changed a lot of this code, but the samples he sent me saved me a lot of time. And true to the spirit of this blog and my promise to Kevin, I give back to the .NET community what it gave to me.

12 November 2010

Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 do not like DTDs

My current Windows Phone 7 project requires the possibility of reading configurations from various servers. For the GIS lovers among my audience: I am trying to read a GetCapabilities document from a WMS server. I was reading this one and this one, and the first one succeeded, while the second one failed. It became even more odd when I tried to write unit tests running from the full framework – then both links processed flawlessly. The error was “NotSupportedException” on XDocument.Load().

The second links contains a DTD from ye goode olde days and it turns out Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 by default are not very fond of DTD’s in documents. After some searching around I found the DtdProcessing Enumeration and I changed this code

var doc = XDocument.Load(stream)


using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, 
  new XmlReaderSettings {DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore}))
  var doc = XDocument.Load(reader)

And indeed, problem solved

02 November 2010

Swapping two elements in a bound ObservableCollection IMPROVED VERSION

Today I noticed something odd. I wanted to swap two elements in an ObservableCollection that was bound to a list box – so I could move objects up and down in the list box. I noticed that moving up always worked, and moving down led to a crash in my application with the message ‘The parameter is incorrect’ in the Application_UnhandledException method of App.Xaml. Fat lot of help that is, I can tell ya ;-)

Maybe this is a Windows Phone 7 only thing, but after a bit of experimenting I found out that you always have to change the value of the item that is last in the collection – i.e., the item with the highest index – first. This worked perfectly and I blogged about it. Later I found one exception, when I tried to swap the first and the second entry. Swapping second and first works, but the other way around gave once again ‘The parameter is incorrect’

This makes no sense at all, but I guess it has something to do with the fact that at one point in time the collection contains one object twice, and whatever is bound to it does not seem to like that very much. One of my household sayings is that were’s a will, there’s a workaround. So, second time around:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace LocalJoost.Utilities
  public static class ObservableCollectionExtensions
    public static void Swap<T>(
       this ObservableCollection<T> collection, 
       T obj1, T obj2)
      if (!(collection.Contains(obj1) && collection.Contains(obj2))) return;
      var indexes = new List<int>
         {collection.IndexOf(obj1), collection.IndexOf(obj2)};
      if(indexes[0] == indexes[1]) return;
      var values = new List<T> {collection[indexes[0]], collection[indexes[1]]};
      collection.Insert(indexes[0], values[1]);
      collection.Insert(indexes[1], values[0]);
and now I am really done with it. It's not always high science what I blog, just things I hope that save someone else a lot of time :-)

21 October 2010

Showing Open Source maps on Windows Phone 7 with the Bing Maps Control

My previous post, which caused a bit of a stirrup and got me over 1000 page hits on that one page alone in less than 46 hours, led to the question if I could provide an example of how to use data from Open Source map servers on the web in Bing Maps. This is more useful than Google Maps, since Google’s TOS most likely does not allow accessing their data they way I showed, and an application doing so violates section 3.1 of the Windows Phone 7 Application Certification Requirements, which clearly state that allowed content includes “Copyrighted content that is used with permission”, which I obviously do not have and most likely never will. Unless Google wants to code me a Windows Phone 7 app for them. Hello? Anyone reading along there at Mountain View? ;-)

So anyway, as long as my personal Google Maps for Windows Phone 7 is not going to hit the Marketplace, the Bing Maps MercatorMode can very well be used to show other tile maps, and by popular request I show you how to use data from Mapnik and Osmarender:


The possibility should come as no surprise, since I showed something like this earlier, only then with a plain ole’ MultiScaleImage. All you need to do is, once again, write a class again that descends from Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.TileSource and overrides

Uri GetUri(int x, int y, int zoomLevel)

like I showed in my previous post. And these are even simpler than the Google Maps tilesource. First, Mapnik:

using System;

namespace LocalJoost.TileSource
  public class MapnikTileSource : Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.TileSource
    public MapnikTileSource()
      UriFormat = "http://{0}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{1}/{2}/{3}.png";
      _rand = new Random();

    private readonly Random _rand;
    private readonly static string[] TilePathPrefixes =
        new[] { "a", "b", "c" };

    private string Server
        return TilePathPrefixes[_rand.Next(3)];
    public override Uri GetUri(int x, int y, int zoomLevel)
      if (zoomLevel > 0)
        var url = string.Format(UriFormat, Server, zoomLevel, x, y);
        return new Uri(url);
      return null;

and second, Osmarender

using System;

namespace LocalJoost.TileSource
  public class OsmaRenderTileSource : Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.TileSource
    public OsmaRenderTileSource()
      UriFormat = "http://{0}.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/{1}/{2}/{3}.png";
      _rand = new Random();

    private readonly Random _rand;
    private readonly static string[] TilePathPrefixes =
        new[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" };

    private string Server
        return TilePathPrefixes[_rand.Next(6)];

    public override Uri GetUri(int x, int y, int zoomLevel)
      if (zoomLevel > 0)
        var url = string.Format(UriFormat, Server, zoomLevel, x, y);
        return new Uri(url);
      return null;

As you see, no rocket science. How to use this classes in XAML is explained in my previous post, and I am not going to repeat that here..

The odd thing is that the Bing Maps logo stays visible, although no Bing Maps data is being used. Notice that the open source maps are displayed in design mode too. So, use any tile server out there that you can legally access and have fun mapping…. although I must admit that is most likely interesting for hardcore GIS fans only, since both servers are considerably slower than Bing – especially OsmaRender, which does some odd things cutting the Netherlands in half, as you see. But still, if not anything else, it shows off the power and versatility of the Bing Maps control pretty well.

For the lazy people, a complete solution – including the Google stuff – can be downloaded here.

19 October 2010

Google Maps for Windows Phone 7 using the Bing Maps Control

GoogleMapsAs I write this, we are less than 25 hours away from the moment the first Windows Phone 7 devices are released into the wild – in the Netherlands, that is. The marketplace is filling up nicely already. Some things are pretty obviously missing. And you wonder why, because they would be quite easy to make.

I hereby dare Google to publish a Google Maps application in the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace. Why? Because if they don’t do it, someone else probably will, and probably pretty fast, too. See the screenshot to the left. I assure you – this is no fake. What you see here is the Google Maps satellite layer with the Street layer on top of it, with a 40% opacity, showing a piece of the city center of Amersfoort, Netherlands. It took me about 90 lines of code and 18 lines of XAML.

Setting up a basic Bing Map control is easy as cake. You find the grid “Contentpanel”, and you plonk a Map in it, preferably using Blend:








 CredentialsProvider="your_credentials" Mode="Road">

You can change “Road” into “Aerial” and then you have Bing Satellite imagery. What’s less known is that you can actually attach your own tile layers to it. A tile is an image of 256x256 defined by it’s X and Y position in the grid forming the map of the world on a specific zoom level. All you have to to is write a little class that descends from Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.TileSource in which you only have to override the following method:

Uri GetUri(int x, int y, int zoomLevel)

in which you tell which x/y/zoomlevel combination translates to which URI. For Google Maps, this turns out to be pretty easy. All information needed for can be found in the Deep Earth source code – a wee bit adapted for for the Bing Map Control. First, I made an enum that defines all the layers that Google provides

namespace LocalJoost.TileSource
  public enum GoogleTileSourceType

Then, the actual tile calculating class:

using System;

namespace LocalJoost.TileSource
  public class GoogleTileSource : Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.TileSource
    public GoogleTileSource()
      UriFormat = @"http://mt{0}.google.com/vt/lyrs={1}&z={2}&x={3}&y={4}";
      TileSourceType = GoogleTileSourceType.Street;
    private int _servernr;
    private char _mapMode;

    private int Server
        return _servernr = (_servernr + 1) % 4;

    private GoogleTileSourceType _tileSourceType;
    public GoogleTileSourceType TileSourceType
      get { return _tileSourceType; }
        _tileSourceType = value;
        _mapMode = TypeToMapMode(value);

    public override Uri GetUri(int x, int y, int zoomLevel)
         if (zoomLevel > 0)
          var url = string.Format(UriFormat, Server, _mapMode, zoomLevel, x, y);
          return new Uri(url);
      return null;

    private static char TypeToMapMode(GoogleTileSourceType tileSourceType)
      switch (tileSourceType)
        case GoogleTileSourceType.Hybrid:
          return 'y';
        case GoogleTileSourceType.Satellite:
          return 's';
        case GoogleTileSourceType.Street:
          return 'm';
        case GoogleTileSourceType.Physical:
          return 't';
        case GoogleTileSourceType.PhysicalHybrid:
          return 'p';
        case GoogleTileSourceType.StreetOverlay:
          return 'h';
        case GoogleTileSourceType.WaterOverlay:
          return 'r';
      } return ' ';

As you can see, this is not quite rocket science. To make the Bing Maps control use this, you need to expand your XAML a little. First, you have to add two namespaces to your MainPage.Xaml:


Then, you have to use a third mode for the Bing Map – Mercator. This basically only tells the map to operate in Mercator mode, but not to attach any default imagery. And here we go:

<Microsoft_Phone_Controls_Maps:Map x:Name="map" 
   CredentialsProvider="your credentials" >
        <LJTileSources:GoogleTileSource TileSourceType="Satellite"/>  
Presto. Google Maps for Windows Phone 7. And oh, if you want to project another layer on top of it, for instance Google Streets, like I did, you just add more tilelayers:
<Microsoft_Phone_Controls_Maps:Map x:Name="map" 
   CredentialsProvider="your credentials" >
      <LJTileSources:GoogleTileSource TileSourceType="Satellite"/>
      <LJTileSources:GoogleTileSource TileSourceType="Street"/>

The Bing Maps control makes you able to zoom and pan trough all this. Okay, Google Maps does a little more than this, but this shows pretty well how darn easy it is to make a good looking, pretty fully functional mapping application showing totally different imagery.

Conclusion: using the Bing Maps Control for showing raster maps is so bloody easy that I almost start to wonder if it’s still justified to feel proud ‘being a GIS guy’. Almost ;-)

17 October 2010

Browse the Marketplace for Windows Phone 7 apps outside the USA

This article does technically not belong to this blog, for it does not contain any code samples – in fact it does not handle code at all. But since the launch of Windows Phone 7 is a very special occasion and the devices will hit my country (the Netherlands) very soon I thought it important enough to break rank for once.

For all kinds of reasons – mostly legal, I’ve been told - about 17 countries are included in the Marketplace for Windows Phone 7. This by no means that you cannot be part of the fun of the Windows Phone 7 launch if you are not inside the USA or any of the other countries – like me. All you have to do to view the Windows Phone 7 apps that are currently in the Marketplace is follow the simple procedure below:

  1. Install Zune software (if you haven’t done that already)
  2. Browse to www.msn.com. This will redirect you to your local msn (in my case, nl.msn.com) but will also provide you with a popup that lets you choose between your local msn.com and the USA msn.com. Choose the USA version
  3. If you are signed in with your live ID, sign out
  4. Create a new live ID that has its location in the USA. You need to provide an USA state and ZIP code that actually exist and match. Which can be easily obtained via this site. Simply click somewhere on the map, choose one of the cities it suggests, and presto – one existing zip code and state combination
  5. Start up the Zune software
  6. Login with your freshly created live ID
  7. Provide your birth date
  8. Click Marketplace
  9. Click Apps
  10. And there you are

Update according to Rob Houweling this procedure will only work if the OS language is set to English. See comment. Thanks Rob!

Update 2 this works on a Windows Phone 7 as well. Tom Verhoeff has a blog post which explains (in Dutch) how you can setup a phone to use a specific Live Id that has it's location in the UK and a billing adress in the UK that will allow you to buy apps using an ordinary Dutch credit card.

Bear in mind that your local Microsoft office does not support this procedure, so when you have problems you are basically on your own. But that is what you have your local Microsoft community for - they can probably help you out, and if not, there are plenty of Microsoft employees who will help you out sub rosa – if you just ask the right person kindly enough. After all, we’re all in the same boat ;-)

Have fun!

06 October 2010

Using MVVMLight Messenger and behaviors to open files from local disk in Silverlight

The very first Silverlight application I had to make professionally (i.e. not as a hobby/research project at home) required the possibility to open a file from (local) disk. Of course I wanted to use Laurent Bugnion’s MVVMLight and the strict separation between logic that I talked and blogged about so much – ‘practice what thou preach’, eh?

This proved to be an interesting challenge. The most logical way forward seemed to be: make a button, attach a command to it via the usual EventToCommand route and then use OpenFileDialog from the model – which landed me a “Dialogs must be user-initiated” error. Googling Binging around I found out that Dennis Vroegop had run into this thingy quite recently as well.

Things looked ugly. Getting around it took me some code in the code behind. This kept nagging me, and only recently I found a better way to deal with this. Apart from the EventToCommand binding MVVMLight contains another gem, called the Messenger. This is an implementation of the Mediator pattern that - as far as I understand – is designed to broadcast property changes between different models in the application. But this mechanism can also be used as an alternative way to shuttle data from the GUI to the model in a designer-friendly – Blendable -way. The way to go for this particular problem is like this:

  • Define a message that holds the data from an OpenFileDialog
  • Make a behavior that can attach to a button that launches an OpenFileDialog on click, and then sends a message on the Messenger
  • Register a listener on the Messenger in the model for that particular message

True to my blog’s title, I will demonstrate this principle with an example. First, a message containing the result of an OpenFileDialog:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messaging;

namespace LocalJoost.Behaviours
  public class FilesOpenedMessage : GenericMessage<IEnumerable<FileInfo>>
    public FilesOpenedMessage(IEnumerable<FileInfo> parm)
      : base(parm)
      Identifier = string.Empty;

    public string Identifier{get;set;}

Notice that the message also contains a property Identifier, acting like an optional additional message identifier. This is necessary, since the MVVMLight messenger seems to identify messages by type. Therefore, every method listening to a FilesOpenedMessage gets a message, and the various models would have no way to know if it was actually for them to act on it. Identifier makes coupling a particular listener to a particular sender possible. I’m sure there are other ways to get this done, I simply chose the simplest.

Getting on with the behavior:

using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Interactivity;
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messaging;

namespace LocalJoost.Behaviours
  /// <summary>
  /// A behavior attaching to a button
  /// </summary>
  public class FileOpenBehavior : Behavior<Button>
    // Properties - can be set from XAML
    public string MessageIdentifier { get; set; }
    public string Filter { get; set; }
    public bool MultiSelect { get; set; }

    protected override void OnAttached()
      Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*";
      AssociatedObject.Click += AssociatedObject_Click;

    void AssociatedObject_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
      // Open the dialog and send the message
      var dialog = 
        new OpenFileDialog {Filter = Filter, Multiselect = MultiSelect};
      if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
          new FilesOpenedMessage(dialog.Files) 
          { Identifier = MessageIdentifier });

    protected override void OnDetaching()
      AssociatedObject.Click -= AssociatedObject_Click;

Which works pretty simple: it attaches itself to the click event, composes a message and fires it away on the Messenger. In your model you register a listener like this:

public class DemoModel : ViewModelBase
  public DemoModel()
    if (IsInDesignMode)
      // Code runs in Blend --> create design time data.

  private void DoOpenFileCallback(FilesOpenedMessage msg)
    if (msg.Identifier != "1234") return;
    // Store result in SelectedFiles
    SelectedFiles = msg.Content.Select(f => f.Name).ToList();
  // Rest of model omitted - see demo solution

The “Content” property of the message always contains the payload, i.e. whatever you had to pass to the message constructor – in this case, an IEnumerable<FileInfo>. In XAML you then bind the whole thing together like this, like any ordinary behavior:

<UserControl x:Class="DemoMessageBehaviour.MainPage"
  d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="400">
    <model:DemoModel x:Key="MyDemoModel"/>
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White" DataContext="{StaticResource MyDemoModel}">
      <RowDefinition Height="0.9*"/>
      <RowDefinition Height="0.1*"/>
    <Button Content="Open" Grid.Row="1" IsEnabled="{Binding CanOpen}" >
        <LJBehaviours:FileOpenBehavior MessageIdentifier="1234" MultiSelect="True"/>
    <ListBox Grid.Row="0" ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedFiles}"/>

The Listbox is used to display the names of the selected files. I did leave this out, there’s enough code in this sample already. For those who want to have the full picture: a complete solution demonstrating the behavior can be found here.

Notice there’s an important difference using this technique in stead of the EventToCommand: when the user presses the button, the model cannot control the actual display of the OpenFileDialog: the click is handled by the behavior, not the model itself (via EventToCommand) and the OpenFileDialog is always displayed once the button is clicked. Therefore, the model should control if the user can press the button at all, which is done by binding the IsEnabled property to a property of the model (CanOpen – sorry, lame pun). Which is good UX practice anyway – controls that cannot be used should be disabled in stead of giving a ‘sorry, you can’t do that’ message whenever possible, but in this case it’s simply necessary.

I only showed how to do open a file from disk, but a pattern like this can be used to save files to disk as well, or do other things that might seem to require coding in the code behind file. That is no sin in itself – nobody from the MVVM police will show up at your doorstep and take your family away if you need to do that. At least that is what Laurent himself promised at his MIX10 talk ;-). But by coding a behavior, you enable designers to add fairly easily relatively complex actions using Blend without having to dive too deep into XAML. Using behaviors like this FileOpenBehavior makes it even easier to add interactivity than the EventToCommand (which was closed off anyway during security restrictions).

It can’t hurt to be nice to your designers – after all, they make the pretty stuff up front that makes your application sell ;-)

Oh, and one final thing: in all my previous posts I was talking about ‘behaviour’ in stead of ‘behavior’. I hope you all will excuse me for being educated in the Queen’s English, even tough I am just Dutch. ;-).

30 September 2010

Notifying the viewmodel of input errors using MVVMLight in Silverlight

I was creating a little application that had some input fields and a submit button. I wanted the submit button only to be enabled when the user input was valid. No a very unusual use case. So I set out to create a viewmodel the usual MVVMLight way, extending ViewModelBase and making properties using the snippets Laurent Bugnion provides with the MVVMLight toolkit. To validate them, I decorated them with attributes from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations, and validated them with using the Validator. A typical property looks like this:

/// The  property's name.
public const string SomecodePropertyName = "Somecode";

private int _somecode = 0;

[Range(0, 2000)]
public int Somecode
    return _someCode;

    if (_someCode == value)
      new ValidationContext(this, null, null) 
      { MemberName = SomecodePropertyName });

    _someCode = value;

    // Update bindings, no broadcast

Then I thought I was smart, so I added the following code:

private void RaisePropertyChangedAndRevalidate(string propertyName)

public bool IsValid
    return Validator.TryValidateObject(this, 
                       new ValidationContext(this, null, null),
                       new List<ValidationResult>());

and changed every other call to RaisePropertyChanged to RaisePropertyChangedAndRevalidate. Then I bound my button’s IsEnabled property to IsValid

<Button Content="subMit" x:Name="btnSave" 
  IsEnabled="{Binding IsValid,ValidatesOnExceptions=True,NotifyOnValidationError=True}">

and I turned out not be so very smart after all, for it did not work. When the user entered a value that was outside the range of 0-2000 or even plain nonsense – like “thisisnonumber”, the UI gave an error message, I even got the message in my ValidationSummary, but for some reason the viewmodel still found itself valid.

This puzzled me for a while, but it turned out to be perfectly logical. If the user inputs nonsense this throws an exception, and so does a call to Validator.ValidateProperty. So the invalid input never makes to the viewmodel property, and the viewmodel, if it was initially valid, stays valid en thus my button stays enabled. How to get around this?

Actually, it’s pretty simple: notify your viewmodel of input errors, so it can keep track of whatever nonsense the user has tried to cram down its throat. The way I chose to do it was like this:

  • Add a field int _fieldErrors;
  • Bind the event BindingValidationError to a command in the viewmodel, passing it’s parameters along
  • Add to or subtract 1 from_fieldErrors for every time the command was called depending on the parameter
  • Modify the IsValid property so it checks the _fieldErrors field to.

In code:

private void RaisePropertyChangedAndRevalidate(string propertyName)
  if (_fieldBindingErrors == 0)
private int _fieldBindingErrors = 0;

public ICommand RegisterFieldBindingErrors
    return new RelayCommand<ValidationErrorEventArgs>(e =>
      if (e.Action == ValidationErrorEventAction.Added)

public bool IsValid
    return Validator.TryValidateObject(this, 
                       new ValidationContext(this, null, null),
                       new List<ValidationResult>()) 
                       && _fieldBindingErrors == 0;

Binding the stuff in XAML goes like this:

  DataContext="{Binding MyModel,Mode=TwoWay,ValidatesOnExceptions=True,NotifyOnValidationError=True}">
    <i:EventTrigger EventName="BindingValidationError">
          <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding RegisterFieldBindingErrors}" 

And thus the viewmodel maintains its own integrity, is notified by the UI of all problems playing around there, and can decide based upon the sum of this information whether or not the user can actually save.

Thanks to Mike Taulty for helping me out on the Validator in real-time on Twitter.

29 September 2010

Extension methods for tomb stoning the Windows Phone 7 model

As I was (and still am) playing with my MVVM-driven Windows Phone 7 map viewer, I started thinking about tomb stoning and/or serializing stuff into the Windows Phone 7 application state and/or isolated storage. I came up with four extension methods than can be used to store/serialize the complete model in both. Maybe not ideal in all cases, but it was a simple solution for me.

Getting started

I created an assembly LocalJoost.Utilities, in which I first defined a generic interface for the model, which I called – with a flash of inspiration – IModel ;-). It’s implementation is not interesting for the extension methods.

Save to phone application state

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Windows;
using Microsoft.Phone.Shell;

namespace LocalJoost.Utilities
  /// <summary>
  /// Some extensions method that allow serializing and deserializing
  /// a model to and from phone state and/or isolated storage
  /// </summary>
  public static class ApplicationExtensions
    private const string ModelKey = "model";
    public static IModel RetrieveFromPhoneState(this Application app) 
      if (PhoneApplicationService.Current.State.ContainsKey(ModelKey))
        return PhoneApplicationService.Current.State[ModelKey] as IModel;
      return null;

    public static void SaveToPhoneState(this Application app, IModel model)
      if (PhoneApplicationService.Current.State.ContainsKey(ModelKey))
      PhoneApplicationService.Current.State.Add(ModelKey, model);

Creating a Locator

I wanted my model to be bindable by XAML and be usable from code as well, so I created the following ‘Locator’:

using LocalJoost.Utilities;

namespace LocalJoost.Models
  public class Locator
    private static IModel _model;
    private static Locator _locator;

    public IModel Model
      get { return _model; }
      set { _model = value; }

    public static Locator Instance
      get { return _locator ?? (_locator = new Locator()); }

Using Locator and Model from XAML

First, add the namespace to the XAML


Then bind it to your Layout root or any other element of choice

 <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"
  DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource Locator}, Path=Model}">

Instantiating your model

Interesting caveat – the Locator is instantiated, not your model. When the application runs for the very first time, there will be no model to retrieve. Thus, in the constructor of App.Xaml.cs you need to add:

Locator.Instance.Model = new YourModel();

in which you replace "YourModel" for your own model type.

Storing in / retrieving from phone application state

Using the extension methods is pretty simple then: open your App.Xaml.cs, find two methods called “Application_Activated” and “Application_Deactivated” and modify them as follows:

// Code to execute when the application is activated (brought to foreground)
// This code will not execute when the application is first launched
private void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e)
  Locator.Instance.Model = this.RetrieveFromPhoneState();

// Code to execute when the application is deactivated (sent to background)
// This code will not execute when the application is closing
private void Application_Deactivated(object sender, DeactivatedEventArgs e)

And that’s it. Your model now persists to the phone state and survives, for instance, a hit on the search button

Storing in Isolated Storage

This proves to be marginally more difficult. I expanded the class ApplicationExtensions with two more methods and a const:

private const string DataFile = "model.dat";

public static T RetrieveFromIsolatedStorage<T>(this Application app) 
  where T : class
  using (var appStorage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
    if (appStorage.FileExists(DataFile))
      using (var iss = appStorage.OpenFile(DataFile, FileMode.Open))
          var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T));
          return serializer.ReadObject(iss) as T;
        catch (Exception e)
  return null;

public static void SaveToIsolatedStorage(this Application app, IModel model)
  using (var appStorage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
    if (appStorage.FileExists(DataFile))
    var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(model.GetType());
    using (var iss = appStorage.CreateFile(DataFile))
      serializer.WriteObject(iss, model);

You now have to find Application_Launching and Application_Closing in App.Xaml.cs and modify them in a similar way:

// Code to execute when the application is launching (eg, from Start)
// This code will not execute when the application is reactivated
private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)
    Locator.Instance.Model = 

// Code to execute when the application is closing (eg, user hit Back)
// This code will not execute when the application is deactivated
private void Application_Closing(object sender, ClosingEventArgs e)

Some notes

  • In order to make this work, your need to mark your model class with the [DataContract] attribute, and every member you want to be serialized with [DataMember]
  • If you are using MVVMLight (which of course you are ;-) ) and if you are just making simple apps that don’t use separate models but just view models, be aware that your model cannot inherit from ViewModelBase, for the simple reason that this class is not serializable. Oops ;-)
  • If your model communicates with the view using attached dependency properties you may run into some timing difficulties. I will soon blog about a work-around for that.

10 September 2010

An animated swipe-enabled title control for Windows Phone 7

Updated for the RTM tools, included sample application to show how it’s used.

For my ongoing ‘research project’ on making the user experience for my MVVM-driven map viewer for Windows Phone 7 a bit better I wanted to make some changes to the header. Initially you could swipe the header which showed which map you show, but it gave no indication that you actually could make the swipe, or that other maps were available. I set out to create a behaviour, and ended up building a control. In my map viewer, it currently looks and works like this:

And, of course, it needed to play along nicely with MVVM. And therefore it has three bindable properties:

  • Items: an IList of basically anything
  • SelectedItem: the currently selected item in Items
  • DisplayText: (optional): the name property of the objects in Items which value should be used in de SwipeTitle. If skipped, the ToString() value of the objects is used as a display value.

It does not sport item or data templates (yet) – it’s just meant to be plug and play. For now.


You only have to do six things to use this thing:

  • Create an empty Windows Phone 7 application
  • Add the LocalJoost.Controls project included in the demo solution to your project.
  • Create some kind of model with a property containing a list of objects and a property containing a selected object and bind it to the layout root
  • Drag the SwipeTitle control on the design surface at the place of the TextBox called “PageTitle” (and remove PageTitle)
  • Bind property Items, SelectedItem and DisplayText as needed
  • Make sure the Width property of the StackPanel “TitlePanel” is some large width, e.g. 2000.

Below is a short walkthrough of the source. Those who just want to use it, can just grab the source. If you want a simple sample application showing the usage of the control, just grab this solution and see how it works. I sincerely apologize for the sheer silliness of the demo solution, it was all I could think of on short notice.


The XAML is pretty simple: three TextBlocks in a horizontal StackPanel:

<UserControl x:Class="WP7Viewer.SwipeTitle"
  FontFamily="{StaticResource PhoneFontFamilyNormal}"
  FontSize="{StaticResource PhoneFontSizeNormal}"
  Foreground="{StaticResource PhoneForegroundBrush}"
  d:DesignHeight="480" d:DesignWidth="480">
    <StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Orientation="Horizontal" x:Name="pnlSwipe">
      <TextBlock x:Name="tbPrevious"
           Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextTitle1Style}">
    <TextBlock x:Name="tbCurrent"
           Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextTitle1Style}">
    <TextBlock x:Name="tbNext"
           Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextTitle1Style}">

You can swipe endlessly left or right, when it comes to the end or the start of the list it just adds the items from the start or the end again. The middle text is the selected object, and is always shown (in white). When you swipe the text to the left, it animates the swipe to completion: the text previously on the right, which you swiped into view, is now displayed in the middle TextBlock. The text that used to be in the middle block, is now in the left, and in the right TextBlock a new text from Items is displayed, as shown in the video.

Now how does this work? If you know how to do it, it is – as everything – pretty simple. First, some boring stuff, the class definition with some members and dependency properties:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;

namespace WP7Viewer
    public partial class SwipeTitle
       /// <summary>
       /// An internal linked list to make searching easier
       /// </summary>
       private LinkedList<object> _displayItems;
       private TranslateTransform _transform;
       private int _currentDisplayItem = 1; 
      #region Items
      /// <summary>
      /// Dependency property holding the items selectable in this control
      /// </summary>
      public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsProperty =
         DependencyProperty.Register("Items", typeof(IList),
         typeof(SwipeTitle), new PropertyMetadata(ItemsChanged));

      private static void ItemsChanged(object sender, 
        DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
        var c = sender as SwipeTitle;
        if (c != null) {  c.ProcessItemsChanged(); }

      public IList Items
        get { return (IList)GetValue(ItemsProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ItemsProperty, value); }

      public void ProcessItemsChanged()
        _displayItems = new LinkedList<object>();
        foreach (var obj in Items) _displayItems.AddLast(obj);
        SelectedItem = Items[0];

      #region SelectedItem
      /// <summary>
      /// Dependency property holding the currently selected object
      /// </summary>
      public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedItemProperty =
         DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedItem", typeof(object),
         typeof(SwipeTitle), new PropertyMetadata(SelectedItemChanged));

      private static void SelectedItemChanged(object sender, 
        DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
        var c = sender as SwipeTitle;
        if (c != null) { c.ProcessSelectedItemChanged(); }

      // .NET Property wrapper
      public object SelectedItem
        get { return (object)GetValue(SelectedItemProperty); }
        set { SetValue(SelectedItemProperty, value); }

      public void ProcessSelectedItemChanged()
        ScrollToDisplayItem(1, false);
      #region DisplayField
      public string DisplayField
        get { return (string)GetValue(DisplayFieldProperty); }
        set { SetValue(DisplayFieldProperty, value); }

      public static readonly DependencyProperty DisplayFieldProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("DisplayField", typeof(string), 
          typeof(SwipeTitle), null);

The transformation is used in the animation and to make sure the middle TextBlock is displayed when idle. I tend to tuck dependency properties in regions to keep stuff a bit organized, but feel free to do otherwise. Note, however, that the objects in Items are immediately copied in a LinkedList _displayItems – I use this list to make it easier to find previous and next objects.

Then we need a little method to get the display text from the objects according to the value of “DisplayField”:

/// <summary>
/// Retrieve the display value of an object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="displayObject"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string GetDisplayValue( object displayObject)
  if (DisplayField != null)
    var pinfo = displayObject.GetType().GetProperty(DisplayField);
    if (pinfo != null)
      return pinfo.GetValue(displayObject, null).ToString();
  return displayObject.ToString();
To show or update the displayed texts, according the object that is selected (in SelectedItem), the UpdateDisplayTexts method is needed. This is fired when Items or SelectedItem is changed. It finds SelectedItem and puts it in the middle TextBlock, and finds the texts that need to be before and after it, using the LinkedList _displayItems.
/// <summary>
/// Shows (possible) new texts in the three text boxes
/// </summary>
private void UpdateDisplayTexts()
  if (_displayItems == null) return;
  if (SelectedItem == null)
    SelectedItem = _displayItems.First.Value;
  tbCurrent.Text = GetDisplayValue(SelectedItem);
  var currentNode = _displayItems.Find(SelectedItem);
  if (currentNode == null) return;
  tbNext.Text =
    GetDisplayValue(currentNode.Next != null ? 
     currentNode.Next.Value : _displayItems.First.Value);
  tbPrevious.Text =
    GetDisplayValue(currentNode.Previous != null ? 
     currentNode.Previous.Value : _displayItems.Last.Value);

Now I need to set up and implement some events in the control:

  • The items must be initially displayed, after the control is loaded
  • When the user swipes the title, it must follow his finger
  • When the user stops swiping, it must decide whether the user has swiped far enough to select the next item (and if not, revert the swipe), and if the swipe was far enough, select the next item
  • When the next item is selected, show the new selected text in the middle again.
public SwipeTitle()
    _transform = new TranslateTransform();

    pnlSwipe.Loaded += (sender, args) => ProcessSelectedItemChanged();
    pnlSwipe.ManipulationDelta += pnlSwipe_ManipulationDelta;
    pnlSwipe.ManipulationCompleted += pnlSwipe_ManipulationCompleted;
    pnlSwipe.RenderTransform = _transform;
    tbPrevious.SizeChanged += tbPrevious_SizeChanged;

void pnlSwipe_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaEventArgs e)
    _transform.X += e.DeltaManipulation.Translation.X;

/// <summary>
/// Caculates the screen width
/// </summary>
private static double ScreenWidth
        var appFrame = Application.Current.RootVisual as Frame;
        return null == appFrame ? 0.0 : appFrame.RenderSize.Width;

/// <summary>
/// Fired after manipulation is completed. When the title has been moved over 25% of the
/// screen, the next or previous item is selected
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void pnlSwipe_ManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedEventArgs e)
    if (e.TotalManipulation.Translation.X > .25 * ScreenWidth)
        ScrollToDisplayItem(_currentDisplayItem - 1, true);
    else if (e.TotalManipulation.Translation.X < -.25 * ScreenWidth)
        ScrollToDisplayItem(_currentDisplayItem + 1, true);
    ScrollToDisplayItem(_currentDisplayItem, true);

/// <summary>
/// Fired when new data is put into the last object. 
/// Rendering is then finished - the middle text is showed in the middle again
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void tbPrevious_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
    ScrollToDisplayItem(1, false);

In the constructor the members are initialized – particularly the transform – which is set to the StackPanel surrounding the three TextBlocks. When the user now swipes, the texts appear to follow him. When, in pnlSwipe_ManipulationCompleted, the user has dragged the text over more than 25% of the screen, it scrolls the text further until the newly selected items is fully into view. If the text value of the last box is changed, we need to reset the middle TextBlock in the center again – but now without animation, and so it will seem if the scrolling text suddenly changes in color and appears to be selected.

Notice a little gem in here – the ScreenWidth property. It turns out you can determine the actual screensize by trying to cast the RootVisual to a Frame, and then check it’s RenderSize.

All that is left now, basically, is the implementation of ScrollToDisplayItem – and a companion method, as shown below:

/// <summary>
/// Scrolls to one of the 3 display items
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">0,1 or 2</param>
/// <param name="animate">Animate the transition</param>
void ScrollToDisplayItem(int item, bool animate)
  _currentDisplayItem = item;
  if (_currentDisplayItem < 0) _currentDisplayItem = 0;
  if (_currentDisplayItem >= pnlSwipe.Children.Count)
    _currentDisplayItem = pnlSwipe.Children.Count - 1;
  var totalTransform = 0.0;
  for (var counter = 0; counter < _currentDisplayItem; counter++)
    double leftMargin = 0;
    if (counter + 1 < pnlSwipe.Children.Count)
      leftMargin = 
        ((Thickness)(pnlSwipe.Children[counter + 1].GetValue(MarginProperty))).Left;
    totalTransform += 
      pnlSwipe.Children[counter].RenderSize.Width + leftMargin;
  var whereDoWeGo = -1 * totalTransform;

  if (animate)
    //Set up the storyboard and animate the transition
    var sb = new Storyboard();
    var anim = 
      new DoubleAnimation
        From = _transform.X,
        To = whereDoWeGo,
        Duration = new Duration(
          TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Math.Abs(_transform.X - whereDoWeGo)))
    Storyboard.SetTarget(anim, _transform);
    Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(anim, new PropertyPath(TranslateTransform.XProperty));
    sb.Completed += sb_Completed;
    _transform.X = whereDoWeGo;

/// <summary>
/// Fired when an animation is completed. Then a new items must be selected
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void sb_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (SelectedItem != null)
    var currentNode = _displayItems.Find(SelectedItem);
    if (_currentDisplayItem == 0)
      SelectedItem = (currentNode.Previous != null ? 
                       currentNode.Previous.Value : _displayItems.Last.Value);
    if (_currentDisplayItem == 2)
      SelectedItem = (currentNode.Next != null ? 
                       currentNode.Next.Value : _displayItems.First.Value);

In ScrollToDisplayItem the text is either moved or animated in the right direction, and when the animation is finished, the TextBlocks are updated with values according to the swipe direction. If no animation is needed – which occurs initially, or after the texts are updated – the transform is simply applied in stead of animated.


Important parts of the code came into being during a joint hacking evening at Sevensteps in Amersfoort, Netherlands, at August 31 2010. My sincere thanks to Bart Rozendaal, Kees Kleimeer and Pieter-Bas IJdens, all of Sevensteps, who basically coded the method pnlSwipe_ManipulationCompleted and the property ScreenWidth, almost all of the ScrollToDisplayItem method, and in addition supported me with wine, snacks and enjoyable company during that memorable evening.

08 August 2010

A Windows Phone 7 multi touch pan/zoom behaviour for Multi Scale Images

Some may have read my foray into using Windows Phone 7 to view maps, utilizing a Multi Scale Image (msi), MVVM Light and some extension properties. This application works quite well, but being mainly a study in applied architecture, the user experience leaves much to be desired. Studying Laurent Bugnion’s Multi Touch Behaviour got me on the right track. Although Laurent’s behaviour is very good, it basically works by translating, resizing (and optionally rotating) the control(s) inside the FrameworkElement is is attached to. For various reasons this is not an ideal solution for a map viewer.

So I set out to make my own behaviour, the first one I ever made by the way, and it turned out to remarkably easy – less than 90 lines of code, including whitespace and comments:

using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interactivity;

namespace LocalJoost.Behaviours
  /// <summary>
  /// A behaviour for zooming and panning around on a MultiScaleImage
  /// using manipulation events
  /// </summary>
  public class PanZoomBehaviour : Behavior<MultiScaleImage>
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize the behavior
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnAttached()
      AssociatedObject.ManipulationStarted += AssociatedObject_ManipulationStarted;
      AssociatedObject.ManipulationDelta += AssociatedObject_ManipulationDelta;
    /// <summary>
    /// Shortcut for the Multiscale image
    /// </summary>
    public MultiScaleImage Msi { get { return AssociatedObject; } }

    /// <summary>
    /// Screen point where the manipulation started
    /// </summary>
    private Point ManipulationOrigin { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Multiscale view point origin on the moment the manipulation started
    /// </summary>
    private Point MsiOrigin { get; set; }

    void AssociatedObject_ManipulationStarted(object sender,
ManipulationStartedEventArgs e) { // Save the current manipulation origin and MSI view point origin MsiOrigin = new Point(Msi.ViewportOrigin.X, Msi.ViewportOrigin.Y); ManipulationOrigin = e.ManipulationOrigin; } void AssociatedObject_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaEventArgs e) { if (e.DeltaManipulation.Scale.X == 0 && e.DeltaManipulation.Scale.Y == 0) { // No scaling took place (i.e. no multi touch) // 'Simply' calculate a new view point origin Msi.ViewportOrigin = new Point { X = MsiOrigin.X - (e.CumulativeManipulation.Translation.X / Msi.ActualWidth * Msi.ViewportWidth), Y = MsiOrigin.Y - (e.CumulativeManipulation.Translation.Y / Msi.ActualHeight * Msi.ViewportWidth), }; } else { // Multi touch - choose to interpretet this either as zoom or pinch var zoomscale = (e.DeltaManipulation.Scale.X + e.DeltaManipulation.Scale.Y) / 2; // Calculate a new 'logical point' - the MSI has its own 'coordinate system' var logicalPoint = Msi.ElementToLogicalPoint( new Point { X = ManipulationOrigin.X - e.CumulativeManipulation.Translation.X, Y = ManipulationOrigin.Y - e.CumulativeManipulation.Translation.Y } ); Msi.ZoomAboutLogicalPoint(zoomscale, logicalPoint.X, logicalPoint.Y); if (Msi.ViewportWidth > 1) Msi.ViewportWidth = 1; } } /// <summary> /// Occurs when detaching the behavior /// </summary> protected override void OnDetaching() { AssociatedObject.ManipulationStarted -= AssociatedObject_ManipulationStarted; AssociatedObject.ManipulationDelta -= AssociatedObject_ManipulationDelta; base.OnDetaching(); } } }

Method AssociatedObject_ManipulationStarted just records where the user started the manipulation, as well as what the MSI ViewportOrigin was on that moment. Method AssociatedObject_ManipulationDelta then simply checks if the delta event sports a scaling in x or y direction – if it does, it calculates the properties for a new ‘logical point’ to be fed into the ZoomAboutLogicalPoint method of the MultiScaleImage. If there is no scaling, the user just panned, and a new ViewportOrigin is being calculated in the MSI’s own coordinate system which runs from 0,0 to 1,1. And that’s all there is to it.

If you download my sample mapviewer application it’s actually quite simple to test drive this

  • Add a Windows Phone 7 class library LocalJoost.Behaviours to the projects
  • Reference this project from WP7viewer
  • Create the behaviour described above
  • Open MainPage.xaml in WP7Viewer
  • Find the MultiScaleImage called “msi” and remove all bindings except MapTileSource, so that only this remains:
<MultiScaleImage x:Name="msi" 
   MapMvvm:BindingHelpers.MapTileSource="{Binding CurrentTileSource.TileSource}">
  • Add the behaviour to the MultiScaleImage using Blend or follow the manual procedure below:
  • Declare the namespace and the assembly in the phone:PhoneApplicationPage tag like this
  • Add the behaviour to the MSI like this
<MultiScaleImage x:Name="msi" 
   MapMvvm:BindingHelpers.MapTileSource="{Binding CurrentTileSource.TileSource}">

And there you go. You can now zoom in and out using two or more fingers. That is, if you have a touch screen. If you don’t have a touch screen and you were not deemed important enough to be assigned a preview Windows Phone 7 device then you are in good company, for neither have I, and neither was I ;-). But fortunately there is Multi Touch Vista on CodePlex. It needs two mice (or more, but I don’t see how you can operate those), and it’s a bit cumbersome to set up, but at least I was able to test things properly. So, don’t let the lack of hardware deter you getting on the Windows Phone 7 bandwagon!

What I learned from this: behaviours will give an interesting twist to design decisions. When is it proper to solve things into behaviours, and when in a model by binding? For me, it’s clear that in this case the behaviour wins from the model – it’s far easier to make, understand and – above all – apply! For now, just drag and drop the behaviour on top of a MultiScaleImage and bang – zoom and pan. No complex binding expressions. 

Incidentally, although this behaviour was created with maps in mind, in can be applied to any MultiScaleImage of course, showing ‘ordinary’ image data.

For those who are not very fond of typing: the sample map application with the behaviour  already added and configured can be downloaded here. For those lucky b******s in possession of a real live device: you will find the XAP here. I would very much appreciate feedback on how the thing works in real life.

05 August 2010

Fixing CLSA property registration issues in child objects

AKA ‘avoiding the dreaded “Can not register property YourProperty after containing type (YourBaseType) has been instantiated” error message’

Somewhere between CSLA 3.0 en 3.6 a new way of registering properties has become into being:

// old skool CSLA
private string _oldProp = string.Empty;
public string OldProp
  {return _oldProp;}	 
  { if (value == null) value = string.Empty;
    if (!_oldProp.Equals(value))
      _oldProp = value;

//new skool CSLA
private static PropertyInfo NewPropProperty = 
  RegisterProperty(c => c.NewProp);
public string NewProp
	get { return GetProperty(NewPropProperty); }
	set { SetProperty(NewPropProperty, value); }

In CSLA 4.0 the last style is mandatory, so I started upgrading some objects (while currently using CSLA 3.8.3) in anticipation. So I upgraded my base object

using Csla;

namespace CslaInheritance
  public abstract class MyBaseClass : BusinessBase<MyBaseClass>

    protected static PropertyInfo<string> MyProp1Property = 
        RegisterProperty<string>(c => c.MyProp1);
    public string MyProp1
      get { return GetProperty(MyProp1Property); }
      set { SetProperty(MyProp1Property, value); }

    protected static PropertyInfo<string> MyProp2Property = 
        RegisterProperty<string>(c => c.MyProp2);
    public string MyProp2
      get { return GetProperty(MyProp2Property); }
      set { SetProperty(MyProp2Property, value); }
and then my child object
using Csla;

namespace CslaInheritance
  public abstract class MyConcreteClass1 : MyBaseClass
    protected static PropertyInfo<string> ConcreteProp1Property = 
      RegisterProperty<string>(c => c.ConcreteProp1);
    public string ConcreteProp1
      get { return GetProperty(ConcreteProp1Property); }
      set { SetProperty(ConcreteProp1Property, value); }

    protected static PropertyInfo<string> ConcreteProp2Property =
      RegisterProperty<string>(c => c.ConcreteProp2);
    public string ConcreteProp2
      get { return GetProperty(ConcreteProp2Property); }
      set { SetProperty(ConcreteProp2Property, value); }

And then I noticed something odd: according to the compiler, ConcreteProp1 and ConcreteProp2 were not defined. Even worse is the situation when you choose to upgrade your properties not using lambda expressions, but PropertyInfo objects, like this:

    protected static PropertyInfo<string> ConcreteProp3Property =
      new PropertyInfo<string>("ConcreteProp3Property");
    public string ConcreteProp3
        get { return GetProperty(ConcreteProp3Property); }
        set { SetProperty(ConcreteProp3Property, value); }
because this will compile - and run. Until you create a second child class MyConcreteClass2, instantiate it, then instantiate a MyConcreteClass1 – and then you will get a cryptical runtime error message saying “Can not register property ConcreteProp1Property after containing type MyBaseClass has been instantiated”.

Fortunately the CSLA framework comes with sources, and after some rooting around I found the culprit, if you can call it that, in Csla.BusinessBase:

protected static PropertyInfo<P> 
  RegisterProperty<P>(Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyLambdaExpression)
  PropertyInfo reflectedPropertyInfo = 

  return RegisterProperty(Csla.Core.FieldManager.PropertyInfoFactory.Factory.Create<P>(
    typeof(T), reflectedPropertyInfo.Name));

Although MyConcreteClass1 inherits from MyBaseClass, MyBaseClass inherits in turn from templated class BusinessBase<MyBaseClass>. Therefore, in RegisterProperty called from MyConcreteClass1 T is still MyBaseClass. It does not matter that I actually called it from a child class. So what happens is that all the statics are defined in the base class MyBaseClass. If you are using the lambda variant to register, the compiler saves your *ss, but if you use the PropertyInfo method something weird happens. Remember, statics in a class are initialized as soon as you touch any one of statics. So what happens is: you instantiate your concrete child class, immediately the statics of both the concrete and the base class are initialized, and all the properties are registered in the base class. If you try to instantiate a second concrete child class, Csla finds that your base class properties are already initialized, and the dreaded “Can not register property ConcreteProp1Property after containing type MyBaseClass has been instantiated” error message appears.

Now you can of course change the way you implement classes. I might make MyBaseClass generic as well, then T changes along. But when upgrading an existing API out of a situation in which direct inheritance used to be perfectly legal, it’s a different story.

There are actually two ways out of this. The first one is: use PropertyInfo, but explicitly name the object type to which the property belongs

protected static PropertyInfo<string> ConcreteProp3Property =
  new PropertyInfo<string>("ConcreteProp3Property"));
public string ConcreteProp3
    get { return GetProperty(ConcreteProp3Property); }
    set { SetProperty(ConcreteProp3Property, value); }

This works, but I like the solution below better, because that uses lambda expressions again and so your friend the compiler ;-) can help you catch typo’s. The only way I see to realize that is to add a static method at the bottom of your class

private static PropertyInfo<T> RegisterPropertyLocal<T>(
  Expression<Func<MyConcreteClass1, object>> propertyLambdaExpression)
  var reflectedPropertyInfo = 
  return RegisterProperty(typeof(MyConcreteClass1),
and then register your properties like this from now on:
protected static PropertyInfo<string> ConcreteProp1Property = 
  RegisterPropertyLocal<string>(c => c.ConcreteProp1);
public string ConcreteProp1
  get { return GetProperty(ConcreteProp1Property); }
  set { SetProperty(ConcreteProp1Property, value); }

The drawback of this solution is, of course, that you have to define a static RegisterPropertyLocal in every inherited class you define. But at least you will be saved from typos and weird runtime errors.

Now you are ready to upgrade, but I would recommend recording some macros to do the actual syntax change, unless you are very fond of very dull repetitive typing jobs ;-)

07 July 2010

Using MVVM Light to drive a Windows Phone 7 / Silverlight 4 map viewer

Updated for Windows Phone 7 beta tools!

Traditionally, the first application any developer tries out on a new platform is "Hello World". Working with spatial data daily, I tend to take this a wee bit more literal than most people. So when I wanted to try out MVVM and Windows Phone 7 at the same time, I went for the less-than-trivial task of making a generic map viewer from scratch, based upon the MultiScaleImage which – fortunately – is available on Windows Phone 7 as well. For an encore, to prove the point of MVVM, this viewer’s model should be usable by an ‘ordinary’ Silverlight application as well. My intention was to make a case study for MVVM in a less-than-ordinary environment, but I ended up with a more or less fully functional – although pretty limited – application.


This example uses:
  1. Visual Studio 2010 Professional
  2. Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools Beta
  3. Silverlight 4 SDK
  4. Silverlight 4 tools for Visual Studio 2010
  5. The MVVM Light framework by Laurent Bugnion, both for Windows Phone 7 and for Silverlight 4. The parts you need are already include in the sample.

On my machine I also have the Silverlight 4 Toolkit April 2010 installed as well but I don’t think that is necessary for this sample.

Download, compile and run the source code

Solution structurSince the application itself contains a bit more code than my usual samples (as well as a bucketload of XAML), I cannot write out all source code in the sample. In order be able to follow what is going on, you will need to download the code first, see if it runs and compiles on your machine, and then read the rest of this article. You will end up with a solution that, with the proper parts expanded and collapsed, will look like the solution as displayed to the right. In the Binary Dependencies solutions folder you will see Laurent’s stuff (Galasoft.*), both for Windows Phone 7 and Silverlight 4, as well as System.Windows.Interactivity, which comes from the Blend SDK. The bottom to projects, SLViewer.Web and WP7Viewer, are the actual startup projects. If you fire up one , you will get one of these screens below:

 MobileMapLoader Silverlight screen Now that’s what I call “Hello World”!

Using the applications

Double-tapping (or clicking) anywhere on the map on both applications zooms in on the location of the double-tap. If you (single) tap/click on the text “Double tap zooms in” it will toggle with “Double tap zooms out” and then double tap… you guessed it.
In addition, you can move the map around by dragging it – either with your finger or the mouse. By tapping/clicking on the map name (initially it will show the Open Source Map OsmaRender) you can change the map you are viewing: OSM OsmaRender, OSM Mapnik, Google Maps Street, Satellite, and Hybrid, and Bing Maps Road and Aerial. The Silverlight application just responds to a click and moves to the next map – the Windows Phone 7 more or less supports swipes and you can go to the next or the previous map my moving your finger from right to left or left to right over the map title. At least, it does so when I use the mouse, lacking a proper test device it is of course impossible to test how it behaves in the real world.

Solution structure

From top to bottom you will see:

  • LocalJoost.Models, this is a Silverlight 4 class library without any content, only links to source files in LocalJoost.Model.WP7
  • LocalJoost.Model.WP7, a Windows Phone 7 class library, this contains the actual model and additional items as well as the definition of attached dependency properties needed to drive the map,
  • LocalJoost.TileSource, again a codeless Silverlight class library, with links only to
  • LocalJoost.TileSource.WP7, a Windows Phone 7 class library, containing classes that translate requests from the MultiScaleImage to the image structure for various Tile Map Servers
  • SLViewer, the Silverlight 4 application
  • SLViewer.Web, the web application hosting SLViewer
  • WP7Viewer, the Windows Phone 7 application

Since LocalJoost.Models and LocalJoost.TileSource only contain links to source files in the Windows Phone 7 counterparts, both class libraries have identical code.

Tile sources

MultiScaleImage features a property Source of type MultiScaleTileSource. This class sports an abstract method GetTileLayers(int tileLevel, int tilePositionX, int tilePositionY, IList<object>tileImageLayerSources) that you can override. Each descendant essentially tells the MultiScaleImage: if you are on zoomlevel tileLevel, and need to have the Xth horizontal tile and the Yth vertical tile, then I will add an URI to the tileImageLayerSources where you can find it. So all classes in the LocalJoost.TileSource.WP7 are simply translations from what the MultiScaleImage asks into URIs of actual map images on various map servers on the internet. Nice if you are into it (like me), but not essential to understand the workings of MVVM as a driver for this application

Binding properties and commands

The key thing about MVVM is that nothing, or at least very little, ends up in what ASP.NET WebForms veterans like me tend to call the ‘codebehind file’ of the XAML. The idea is that you make your controls in XAML, and let them communicate by binding to properties and commands of the model. You click on a button or whatever, the button sends a command to the model, the model responds by changing some properties, and via the magic of INotifyPropertyChanged they automatically end up being displayed on the user interface.

Problem 1: In Silverlight you only have events, and you cannot bind events to a model. You need commands
Problem 2: The MultiScaleImage control is mostly driven by methods, to which you cannot bind, and for some reason the Source property does not want to bind to MultiScaleTileSource either (I get an error “Object does not match target type”).

The solution for problem 1 is MVVM Light. The solution for problem 2 are attached dependency properties.

Attached dependency properties for driving the MultiScaleImage

To get this application to work, there are quite some dependency properties necessary. They are all in the class BindingHelpers in LocalJoost.Models.WP7. From top to bottom you will see:

  • MapTileSource: used to bind a MultiScaleTileSource to the Source property of a MultiScaleImage
  • ZoomEventPoint: used to bind the result of an event (the location where the user tapped on the MultiScaleImage and the zoom factor) to the MultiScaleImage.
  • StartDragEventData: when the user starts dragging the map, the event starting of the dragging is stored in here. Doubles as state setting: if this property is not set, the user is not dragging. The callback method of this property also stores data in the next property:
  • DragData: stores the position and offset where the user started the dragging. This property is for storage only and you will not see it bound to anything in XAML.
  • MoveEventData: stores the event when the user actually moves the map – in conjunction with the data stored in DragData the new map origin is calculated, and the ViewportOrigin of the MultiScaleImage gets a kick to the right place.

Using MVVM Light to kick the model

If you look at the XAML of MainPage.xaml of WP7Viewer, there are a few things you should take notice of:

  <!--- omitted stuff --->

This way, I add my own assembly, with the model and the dependency property types, to be used in XAML with prefix “MapMvvm”. I also add System.Windows.Interactivity to be used with prefix “i” and MVVMLight with prefix “cmd”. And now the place where it all happens:

<MultiScaleImage x:Name="msi" 
   ViewportOrigin ="{Binding ViewportOrigin}"
   MapMvvm:BindingHelpers.MapTileSource="{Binding CurrentTileSource.TileSource}" 
   MapMvvm:BindingHelpers.ZoomEventPoint="{Binding ZoomEventPoint}"
   MapMvvm:BindingHelpers.StartDragEventData="{Binding StartMoveEvent}"
   MapMvvm:BindingHelpers.MoveEventData="{Binding EndMoveEvent}">

   <i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseLeftButtonDown">
     <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding MouseLeftButtonDown}"
      PassEventArgsToCommand="True" />
   <i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseLeftButtonUp">
     <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding MouseLeftButtonUp}"
      PassEventArgsToCommand="True" />
    <i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseMove">
      <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding MouseMove}"
       PassEventArgsToCommand="True" />

In the top part, I bind my MapTileSource, ZoomEventPoint, StartDragEventData and MoveEventData attached dependency properties of the MultiScaleImage to properties in the model, enabling the model to communicate stuff to the View – of which the MultiScaleImage is part -without having to resort to calling actual methods of the MultiScaleImage.

Now to enable the View to communicate back to the model – remember I wrote earlier that you have only events in Silverlight, no proper commands? Look at the bottom part where Laurent’s magic comes into play: I capture the event using an EventTrigger from System.Windows.Interactivity, and by using the EventToCommand from MVVM Light I can bind that to an actual command in the model – and optionally pass the parameters to the model as well. For instance, the event MouseLeftButtonDown is passed to the command MouseLeftButtonDown in MapViewModel:

public ICommand MouseLeftButtonDown
    return new RelayCommand<MouseEventArgs>(e =>
      var t = DateTime.Now - _lastMouseDown;
      if (t < _timeSpanForDoubleClick)
        // assume double click - Zoom
        ZoomEventPoint = 
          new ZoomEventPoint 
           { Event = e, ZoomFactor = ZoomAction.ZoomFactor };
        // Assume start of dragging 
        StartMoveEvent = e;
      _lastMouseDown = DateTime.Now;

Thus the model can communicate with the view via properties (albeit attached dependency properties) and the view can notify the model to do something by binding to its commands. The circle is closed and nothing needs to be in your ‘code behind’ file anymore. Well, almost nothing.

Instantiating the model

A minor detail: before I can bind a view to a model, there must be a model to bind to. I instantiate the model in the ‘classic’ MVVM way, via XAML only. In the phone:PhoneApplicationPage.Resources I instantiate the model like this:

  <Storyboard x:Name="LayoutrootStartup">
  <!-- ommitted stuff -->
  <MapMvvm:MapViewModel x:Key="MapViewerModel" />
The model constructor is fired, and the list of maps (_allTileSources) and zoomactions (_zoomActions) are initialized. Then I set the model as data context for the layout root:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" 
    DataContext="{StaticResource MapViewerModel}">
  <!-- ommitted stuff-->
and the application is off to go. There are other way of doing this: I watched Dennis Vroegop once writing code instantiating the model in the constructor in the ‘code behind file’ of the user control and then setting the data context by code - this enables passing the Dispatcher as a parameter which is necessary if you bind stuff coming from another thread. Dennis himself, by the way, is currently in the process of writing an excellent introduction to MVVM – the first two parts (in Dutch) you can find here and here.

Implementing the ‘swipe’

As I wrote earlier, in the Windows Phone 7 application it is possible to select the next or the previous map by ‘swiping’ over the map title. There are probably better ways to do this, but I did it as follows: first, I trap the ManipulationCompleted event and pass it to the model using the same trick as before:

<TextBlock x:Name="PageTitle"
  Text="{Binding CurrentTileSource.MapName}" 
  Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextTitle1Style">
    <i:EventTrigger EventName="ManipulationCompleted" >
      <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding SetNextMapCommandWp7}" 
and then I go on processing it like this:
/// <summary>
/// Called by the Windows Phone client
/// when the user swipes over the map tile
/// </summary>
public ICommand SetNextMapCommandWp7
      new RelayCommand<ManipulationCompletedEventArgs>(SetNextMapWp7);

/// <summary>
/// Determine to select previous or next map
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
public void SetNextMapWp7(ManipulationCompletedEventArgs e)
  if (e.TotalManipulation.Translation.X > 0)

/// <summary>
/// Move to the next map
/// </summary>
public void SetNextMap()
 var currentNode = _allTileSources.Find(CurrentTileSource);
 if (currentNode != null)
  CurrentTileSource =
   currentNode.Next != null ? 
    currentNode.Next.Value : _allTileSources.First.Value;

/// <summary>
/// Move to the previous map
/// </summary>
public void SetPreviousMap()
 var currentNode = _allTileSources.Find(CurrentTileSource);
 if (currentNode != null)
  CurrentTileSource =
   currentNode.Previous != null ? 
     currentNode.Previous.Value : _allTileSources.Last.Value;

/// <summary>
/// Command called by Silverlight 4 client
/// when user clicks on map title
/// </summary>
public ICommand SetNextMapCommand
    return new RelayCommand(SetNextMap);

by checking the TotalManipulation.Translation.X property of the ManipulationCompletedEvent I can calculate if the user swiped from left to right or from right to left, thus showing the next or the previous map type. The types themselves, by the way, are stored in a LinkedList – that’s the first time I found use for that one – but that’s is not important for the way this works. Notice the last method – the simple SetNextCommand method – that is called by the Silverlight 4 client, where it traps a simple MouseLeftButtonDown event, which allows you only to select the next map – not the previous. ManipulationCompletedEvent seems not to be available in Silverlight 4. This is the only allowance I had to make to get the application to work from ‘plain’ Silverlight 4 as well.


This application is maybe somewhat unusual and still very limited - I don’t start any story board from the model showing fancy animations (which I would like to when the user swipes over the map title to select another map, but I have not found out yet how to do that). Still, I think it’s safe to say MVVM Light used in conjunction with attached dependency properties makes it possible to bind virtually anything, even a MultiScaleImage, to a model. In addition, it’s possible to reuse a lot – if not all – model code by linking source files form Windows Phone 7 libraries to Silverlight 4 libraries and vice versa which makes making applications that run both on Windows Phone 7 and Silverlight 4 (and in the near future, maybe even on Symbian) quite feasible. All in all, from an architectural standpoint, MVVM Light and attached dependency properties are a real winning team.

Credits, disclaimers and legal stuff

The algorithms for loading tiles from the Google servers and OSM are a slight adaptation from stuff to be found in the DeepEarth codebase on CodePlex, while the Bing algorithm actually comes from Microsoft itself. This code loads maps directly from Google Maps and Bing Maps servers bypassing any kind of licenses, TOSses and APIs, and is in this sense probably illegal. This is done for demonstration purposes only, to show how seamlessly the MultiScaleImage works together with multiple map servers. I do by no means encourage or endorse this code to be used other than in demo settings only, and will take no responsibility for any consequences if you choose to act otherwise. So beware. If you use the Google and Bing code in production settings, don’t come knocking on my door after the map owners have come around to kick in yours. :-P

I nicked the algorithm for dragging the map and calculating new positions somewhere from the internet, but for the life I cannot remember where, and since I heavily refactored it for use in dependency properties Google Bing cannot find it back either. If anyone recognizes his/her code and feels I shortchanged him/her in the credits, please let me know and I will correct ASAP.